We had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of food, football, family and fun! The day was spent at my parents house and my mom made a wonderful meal, while I contributed the stuffing and a couple of pies. Everything was yummy!
The Lord has really blessed our family this year, and giving Him thanks and praise is what it is all about! There have been several different families in our lives going through hard struggles right now. We have seen people with mold infesting their entire house (a house they just bought), families dealing with health issue after health issue, financial problems, etc. Seeing these things makes you realize everything you have and appreciate things like your marriage, home, job, health, child, family, etc, even more. Nothing is
guaranteed in life and we
certainly don't deserve everything we are given, that is why I want to thank and praise our heavenly father for all the blessings we have been given this year.
Here is one of those little blessings enjoying the cold Thanksgiving weather.
Football watching in progress. (Nice hair Grant!)
Pop bought Luke a set of authentic Linkin Logs to take to the lake. Awesome!

Luke taking a break from football to catch up on some reading. He recently rediscovered the
bumbo and LOVES sitting in it, even though it is tight fit. =)

Luke was very into all the shoes laying around the house. He tried on every pair he could find, hence Ali's cheetah peep-toe wedges in the 3rd picture. =)
Not only does he love trying on
everyone's shoes, he is also becoming very particular about what shoes and jackets he wears. He wants to pick them out himself and gets very angry if I put the wrong shoes on. Now I can't tell if he is just being stubborn and doesn't want to wear it because I picked it, or if he really wants a specific shoe.
Hmmmm...this could get interesting.
After Thanksgiving we broke out the Christmas decorations. Luke was only 5 months old last Christmas so didn't pay much attention to the tree. Well this year he really helped with the ornaments. I picked out all the ones that he
couldn't break and he would take them to his daddy and they would put it up together. He was so proud of himself, and has been very good about not messing with the tree now. What a good boy!