Luke has also enjoyed wading in the pool. Tula and Pop bought him a life jacket to use at the lake, but we had to test it out in the pool first. Here he is not too sure about this thing.

He sure does have fun with Pop!
We also had fun in Isabelle's pool this week. The kids had a little bit of a rough start, but....
...Luke ended up loving it.
Our last adventure of the week was Luke's first trip to the zoo. We went to the Fort Worth Zoo and Uncle Will and Aunt Ali joined us. Luke really noticed all the animals and some were definitely scarier than others. The flamingo below got a little too close and made our little man cry. He was also scared when the turtles swam up to the glass. Whenever he was scared he would turn his little head and grab onto his daddy soooo tight. This was pretty cute to see. =)