Here he is with the Gahan family....

Having fun opening his gifts.

...and with Papa, his great-grandfather... (As you can tell, this boy wouldn't sit still)

...and the Gibson family.

Wow, look at all those presents!

On his real birthday we went to Story Time at the library with some friends, and then the next day had some of his buddies over to our house for lunch and cupcakes.
Here we are before Story Time. Luke had a rough day. He just wasn't interested in sitting still and definitely let his mama know that. Let's just say that there was biting involved!
Here are his buddies enjoying lunch at our house.
And here are all the kids sitting for a picture. They all had party hats on at one point, but this is the best shot we could get. =)
Luke's first birthday was wonderful and we will have these memories forever. I can't believe we now have a one year old! Wow!