Benjamin Gibson
Schmid is here! He arrived at 10:43am on January 23. He was 8 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long. Ali did awesome, and is such a natural as a mommy! I was able to be there for the birth, which was amazing, and Luke and I got to go visit yesterday as well to get some Ben time in. He sure is a cute little guy! Luke really seems to like him, and likes to talk about the baby when we are at home. When I say anything about the baby he automatically says "Ali!". It is so cute that he knows Ben is her baby. He tries very hard to say Ben, but really all we get is "
Buuuh". Hey, not too bad for an 18 month old.
Ok enough chit chat, he are the pictures.
Waiting on Ben to make his appearance. So sad Grant couldn't make it, but he is in Lubbock being very studious at Tech...we hope =)

He's Here!

Proud Parents.
Tula meeting grandson #2.

Everyone admiring his cuteness.

Cousin Luke making his entrance! Thanks
Auntie E for the shirt. (
Auntie E is Great Aunt Elizabeth)

Sisters and their boys! Luke looks very interested in this new thing. =)
So excited to be Aunt Amanda and Uncle Brian.
Auntie E and Molly.

Rett with nephew #2. Good looking pair. =)
2 days old, chillin in his swing.
First sponge bath at 3 days old. Someone wasn't very happy.

"Does it really take this many people to get me dressed!"

Our family is so blessed by Ben's arrival. I am looking forward to seeing him grow up, and with cousins only 18 months and 2 days apart, Luke and Ben are sure to get into lots of trouble!