Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to Him, both now and forever! -2 Peter 3:18
Monday, February 21, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Hardcore Preschool Registration & Swim School Pictures
OK so who would have thought getting into preschool would be almost as hard as getting into college!?! I have been looking around at preschools for Luke to start in the fall, and found one I really liked. Well I had no idea, but apparently everyone else likes it too! This morning was official registration and I was told that the doors would be open at 7am and you would have to take a number when you got there because there were limited spots. I woke up at 5:30 this morning and when I arrived at the building at 6am there was already a line forming at the door! Yes, I sat in the cold for over an hour just to take a number and then sit inside for another hour and a half until official registration began, for preschool! This was hardcore! Mom's were making a list so no one "cut the line", and when I went to pull my number the "ring leader" proceeded to tell me I was out of turn. Yikes!

It was quite the experience and I am happy to say Luke got in. He will be starting in August going 2 days a week from 9-2. Luke really enjoys playing with other kids and I think he is going to love going to school. Lets hope things calm down from here!
Ok now moving on to swim school. Tula went with us today to check out the action, and was able to take pictures. Luke absolutely loves swim school, and I can't wait to see what a little fish he will be this summer.
Here he is before class, trying out his new frog towel. Pretty cute I would say!

Starting class out with singing and introductions.

Kicking around in the motor boat.

Learning how to climb up the side to get out safely.
Kicking around all by himself.

Floating around on the float board.

Singing the "Humpty Dumpty" song right before he jumps to Mommy.

Swimming to Mommy after jumping from the side. Luke has only gone to 4 classes and can already swim underwater for 3 pretty long seconds. I am impressed!

End of class slide time with his teacher, Mr. Armondo. This is his favorite part.

Singing the "Bye Bye" song before one last jump and swim to Mommmy.

Smiling at Tula. This boy loves swimming and his Tula! Thanks Tula for coming and taking pictures.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Cabin Fever!
We have been stuck in the house along with the rest of North Texas going on the 4th day now! This is brutal with a toddler, and I must admit we have been watching more TV around here than we normally do. On top of the weather, Luke also has a double ear infection and isn't feeling the best, poor little guy! We had planned on going to Fort Worth to see little Ben, and sadly those plans got cancelled. So sad, I am now having Ben withdrawals!
So yesterday instead of going to Fort Worth, we decided enough was enough, and went on an outing to Walmart. I have never been so excited to walk around and see people! I will say that I may have gotten carried away and ended up spending $200 there, whoops! MOST of it was stuff we needed. ;) In reality, things could be much worse and we are so blessed to be in a warm cozy home with the people we love!
On Monday, prior to the big storm, we were able to go to Isabelle's house to see her new baby brother, Connor. He was born 3 days after Ben and is a tiny little thing. Luke gets a little confused when it comes to Connor. You see, he has never really been around many babies, and now that Ben is here we have been talking about "the baby" a lot. When the word "baby" is mentioned he automatically says "Ali!". Well when we went to see Connor, he got very confused that this baby is not Ali's. I'm sure he will figure it out eventually.
Here he is with the Big Sister.
They are such good buddies, and love sitting in the baby doll crib together. I think they are getting too big, so I don't see this lasting much longer.
Jump on the bed.
Watch Sesame Street while wearing your Elmo house shoes.
And finally, eat breakfast while catching up on the latest decorating styles in Pottery Barn Kids. As a side note, Luke has graduated to eating cereal in the morning. I put a tiny bit of milk in his bowl and he does very well with his spoon. As a bonus, he feels very cool eating cereal like Mommy and Daddy. =)

Sweet baby Connor, 6 days old.
Ok and now what do you do with a toddler who is stuck in the house 4 days in a row...
You make brownies.

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