Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to Him, both now and forever! -2 Peter 3:18
Monday, September 26, 2011
Oktoberfest 2011 & Many Firsts
This past weekend we headed to the McKinney Square Oktoberfest with the kids (ha-kids as in plural, still can't believe we have multiple kids!). Pop came along with us, and we walked around, enjoyed the music, people watching, petting zoo, and more. Here is sweet Audrey in the car on the way to the festival. She was very excited as you can see.
Luke and Pop. Luke was actually very happy here, he is just not into getting his picture taken at times.

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Audrey's First 2 Weeks
Audrey is now 2 and a half weeks old and it seems like she has been around forever. We love her so much, and the one word I would use to describe her is "sweet". She is just the sweetest little thing. She loves to cuddle, is a very content baby and so far has transitioned into our family wonderfully. She is still waking up every 3 hours at night to eat, but I am happy to say, she has now mastered going right back to sleep, which has been a HUGE help to me! We love her so much and can't picture life without her! This week we went for her 2 week check-up and she looked great. Here are her stats and pictures from her first 2 weeks of life:
Her favorite sleeping position. LOVE!
Getting kisses from her brother.
Getting some Uncle Rett loving.
Getting some Benjamin loving?! Poor Audrey is going to have to be one tough girl with all these boys around!
First time meeting Uncle Will.
Love her some Tula!
First sponge bath- not a happy girl!
4 days old, enjoying the beautiful weather.
Big brother showing her his muscles!
Sleeping Beauty.
- weight- 8 pounds 4.5 ounces (60%)- gained back up to birth weight and then some!
- length- 21 inches (75%)
- head- 14 1/4 inches (75%)
Coming home from the hospital.
First time in cradle.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Luke's First Day of School
Luke started preschool last week, and he LOVED it! We have been talking about starting school for months, so he was very pumped to get things started. We did have a meltdown though. Wait, a meltdown? Why would a kid who LOVED it have a meltdown? Well...this child threw a terrible fit as we were leaving for the day. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, "STAY!" Luckily my mom was with me, and was able to wrangle him to the car. I say wrangle, because he was full on arching his back and kicking a screaming. Not pretty, and very embarrassing. He was very upset with his Tula once we got in the car and said, "Tula, get out of the car now!". Yes, as sweet as this boy is, he does have his moments. Once we got home and he calmed down, he ran over to his Tula to give her a big ole hug! He can't stay mad long. We figured out that he was just upset that he was not going to get to go back. He went again on Monday, and things went very smoothly. His teachers say he has "a lot of personality", and he was going through the hall shaking teachers hands saying "nice to meet you". (Something his Noni taught him). They were all very impressed. =) Here are some pictures from the first day. hmmm...Mommy and Daddy look a little tired in the first picture, compliments of Audrey. =)

I can't wait to see how the year goes.

Putting away his nap mat, backpack, and lunchbox at his cubby.

Ernie has been enjoying the nap mat at home as well. Yes, he did this on his own.

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Audrey's Birthday
Audrey's birthday was very different than Luke's. Due to some complications after having Luke, it was decided that it would be best to have a c-section this time around. My c-section was scheduled for August 31st, which made me 39 weeks and 2 days. I went into labor on my own with Luke at 38 weeks 6 days, so we all thought I wouldn't make it to the 31st. Even though I had been having contractions for over 2 weeks, this girl decided to stay put until her scheduled date. It was bizarre to just show up at the hospital and have a baby 2 hours later. Everything went so quickly and smoothly and it will be a day we will never forget. Here we are all ready to go. 
About 15 minutes after I was wheeled into the OR, she was here!

Audrey had many visitors that were so excited to meet her. She is one loved girl!

Big brother Luke came up later in the afternoon and was a little shy at first.
Tula brought a "birthday cake" up to the hospital so we could sing Audrey Happy Birthday, and Luke was happy to eat it for her. =)
After a few minutes, Luke warmed up, and was back to his old self.
He loves his "baby sister", and just can't seem to get enough of her.
He is very into documenting her life! Thanks Aunt Ali for the camera. =)

He loves to hold her and kiss her head.

Audrey's birth was a wonderful experience, and so far the recovery has been 100% better than last time. I have some pain, but am pretty much back to my old self. Thank you Jesus! Here are a few more shots of our girl at the hospital. We are so in love!
She will be 2 weeks old this Wednesday, and has been a wonderful baby. She has a little trouble at night going back to sleep, which is frustrating for this tired momma, but I'm sure she will work it out eventually. Overall, life with two has been great. We are beyond blessed!
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