Audrey had her 2 month appointment yesterday and is one chunky monkey! This is no suprise as her brother was a bit of a chunk as well. I guess these Gahan kids are just big ole babies! =) She is right on track
developmentally and has even accomplished most of the 4 month old milestones. Here are her stats:
- weight: 12 pounds 11 ounces (90%)
- length: 24.75 inches (97%)
- head: 15.75 inches (80%)
Of note, last night she slept for 11 hours straight, 7pm to 6am! It might have been due to the shots, but the night before was 9 hours. She is doing awesome! Here is our girl right before heading to the doctor.

Chunky monkey in all her glory! =)

Happy girl at home despite those shots. Look at those thighs!

Over the weekend, Audrey really started to make progress with her tummy time. She is pushing up on both hands and even rolled over once. I think it was a fluke and mainly due to her giant head flopping over. =)

Of course big brother has to get in on the action. Exhibit A. (Yes Luke, we know you can push up on your hands. ;))

Exhibit B.

This weekend was also very special, because
Memaw was coming to meet Audrey. Luke and Benjamin were excited for her to come as well. They were so excited they had to watch some Sesame Street and have some grub to pass the time until she got there.

Once she
finally arrived, she got to meet her first great-
granddaughter. Here is a 4 generation picture.

Auntie E and Molly came as well and Audrey enjoyed all of these women loving on her.
(dang...didn't get a picture of Molly)

While the women were chatting, these boys enjoyed a good ole snack trap. We love those little Benjamin cheeks!
I am so glad Audrey got to meet her Grand Memaw. I know these two will have such fun in the future!