Here they are enjoying some morning coffee before I left for work.

Here is an example of "Daddy's way". I guess it is more fun to eat applesauce like this. Boring old mom makes me use my spoon.

While I was gone, they took a little trip to Walmart to get Luke's first soccer ball. Luke was already showing off his kicking skills by the time I got home.


Just cuteness on his playset. Looks like a day with daddy makes for one happy kid!

Ok and now for pictures, pictures, pictures!
My parents just got back from London and brought Luke a souvenir, a little Paddington Bear. I remember playing with him as a child. Luke loves him!
Luke is exploring in so many new ways now. I was on the computer and heard him making some noise behind me. I turned and he had pushed the laundry basket up to the window so he could stand on the window sill. What a clever little guy!
He also got himself stuck in this little basket. This picture was taken after he got free, but he was stuck in it sitting Indian style, and was not happy about it!

His sweet friend, Kaylee, brought him a present last week. They now have matching animals to play with. Thanks Kaylee, I love it!

Here is a recent shot of playgroup. They are all getting so big, and boy is it difficult to get a good picture. We recently took them to Willowbend Mall to play and it was a huge hit!

Ok that's all I got for now! Stay tuned for the pictures from the twin's 1st birthday party that was this past weekend. The pirate costume made its debut and it did not disappoint!
I am sitting at the bar working on this post while Luke is eating his lunch right next to me. As I am about to hit the "publish button" I look over and find this! We had a busy weekend and I guess this guy is feeling it. Just had to add this in. =)