Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to Him, both now and forever! -2 Peter 3:18

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Fun

We have been loving this cooler weather and went to Oktoberfest on the McKinney Square last weekend. It was great and Luke really enjoyed himself. Here he is on the way to the festival. He is just now wanting to wear hats and shoes. He goes and gets them from their place in the laundry room and asks me to put them on him. It is pretty darn cute! This was his first encounter with a "character" and it didn't go so well. He was pretty scared and made sure I was in between him and this crazy looking thing. After enjoying a bratworst and some potato cakes, he took it easy and watched the Alpine Children's show while downing come milk. Aunt Ali and Uncle Will came with us as well. As you can see he is sitting very close to his little cousin Ben. =) Just having fun at Kate and Ellie's house. We have recently been hanging out with my friend, Brooke, and her daughter, Kaylee. She is just too cute with that red hair and these kids love playing together. Here they are having a blast in Kaylee's tent.
We went back to open gym last week, and it was way less crowded. I didn't fear for his life quite as much this time! Luke is getting some new teeth and has been pretty cranky. Last time we had to drag him out of there, but this time he decided he was tired and just wanted to sit on the bench. Guess he just needed at little break!
A couple of days ago, I was cleaning up around the house and couldn't find him. I walk into the kitchen and find him sitting in the drawer. Too funny!
He then thought it would be fun to stand up, and was very proud of this accomplishment. I probably should have told him no, but instead I had to grab the camera. =) Notice the 2 different shoes. I told you he likes wearing them now, even if they don't match.
Luke's Great Grandfather, Papa, turned 96 on Friday. We went out to dinner and then had cake at home. It has been so special to have Papa living so close to us now.
And here is a sneak peak at Luke's Halloween costume. He is going to be a little pirate. We had to do a test run to see how it fits. Here is Luke waiting for his Daddy to get home so he can show his costume off. I won't reveal anymore of the costume, but I must say, it doesn't get any cuter!
On a final note, we have a biter! Yes sweet little Luke is biting other kids! I went to bible study Wednesday morning and when I picked him up from the nursery they were very nervous to tell me that he bit 2 kids! I was mortified! We left him again at church this morning, warning them of his biting, and sure enough he did it again! He is teething, so I am not sure if it is related, but I am pretty sure he does it when he gets angry. He also used to never care when we left him in the nursery, but is recently sobbing when we leave. He apparently cried most of the morning and they wrote us a little note all about it. I know this is all normal, but any tips moms??


  1. It amazes me how much you fit on one post!! You are so good at the updates -- guess it come easy when you have such a cutie pie as a son!

  2. how cute that he wants to wear his shoes and hats! I love all the pics and can't wait to see him all decked out on halloween! I have no tips on the biting/crying. Levi has started to cry when we leave him too (hasn't done that since he was about 6 months) and I have no idea what to do either.

  3. We almost went to Oktoberfest, but didn't end up making it.... looks like yall had a fun time though!

    Love the pirate costume! I still have not bought K's costume... I really need to get on the ball!

    Can't help with the biting thing...... I'll be interested to read others comments cause I'm sure we'll be there one day!

  4. the pirate photo! so, so funny!
