Last week we went to Austin to visit Memaw and Pepaw. It was a wonderful visit and Luke got to do something very special. Memaw and Pepaw have been wanting to take him to Zilker Park to ride the train, which is something they always took me to do when I was little. This was Luke's first train ride and it was so special watching him enjoy it.
Here we are looking over Barton Springs. I remember swimming there as a child, but always complained because the water was too cold!
Sitting with Pepaw before the big ride.
All ready to go!
Going under the bridge.
And we are back! Luke had so much fun and was wide eyed the entire ride. Thanks Memaw and Pepaw for taking us!
Here he is playing on a statue of some men who would come to the park everyday. My mom was telling me that her grandfather (Memaw's dad), would come and hang out with these guys. So neat!
The rest of the visit was spent roaming around the house and backyard. Luke loved all the new things to do. Here he is having fun with Aunt Ali watching Elmo on the computer.
Just having fun walking around as the new sheriff in town. (Thanks Tula for my jacket!)
It was a wonderful trip and Luke was one tired guy by the time we left.
Stay tuned for Halloween pictures...