This picture was taken by the professional photographer at the party.

Here he is with his good buddy Isabelle, the amazing TCU cheerleader.

Picking out his pumpkin. He ended up with 2 little ones and has been carrying them all over the house.

Here is "The Lost Group" with the birthday girls in the middle.

Instead of trick-or-treating, Luke helped us pass out candy as the little pirate. He loved seeing all the kids come to our door. Notice the 2 different shoes in this picture. He brings me his shoes all the time, and obviously he doesn't care if they match. =)

Here he is just being sweet and playing in the backyard prior to handing out candy. I love this little man!
Oh and I don't think I ever updated everyone on his 15 month stats. We went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and he weighed 25 pounds (60%), was 32 inches tall (85%), and has a head in the 90%. So he is basically slimming up, still tall but with a huge head. Sounds about right. =) The doctor said he is doing great and is ahead of the game developmentally. Way to go Luke! We love you so much!
TOO CUTE!!! Love the adorable little costume!