Checking out the finished product.
Here are the boys after a long day of work, enoying some pizza. Thanks Collin!

While the boys were outside working on the fence, I was going through my closet and getting rid of things that are just taking up space. Well during this project, I came across a Cookie Monster shirt that I used to wear for PJs. Luke took one look at it and had to have it. As you know he LOVES Seasame Street and really enjoyed wearing this shirt. It was way to big, but we were able to tuck it in to make it work. By the end of the night his pants were too dirty so he just wore the shirt. Love it!

Luke had some lady friends come over this week to play. Of course his best bud, Isabelle, was there, as well as one of Ali's highschool friends and her daughter, Lily. These three got along great and were just too cute!
We also had the pleasure of Miss Isabelle this past Saturday. These two love each other so much. She calls Luke, "Gook", and he calls her, "EEEE-belll". So sweet! Well I went to get the laundry out of the dryer and when I came back in the room this is what I found. Both kids in the dog kennel! They were laughing and just having a ball.
On another note, the reason the kennel is in the living room is because we are trying to train Ernie. He is such a sweet dog, and we love him, but he has serious anxiety that is getting to be a little too much. Thinking about dealing with him and 2 kids is a bit overwhelming, so we actually got a trainer to come to our house on Friday and give us some tips. I never thought in a million years I would ever get a trainer, but it has already made a huge difference! I'll keep you posted on his progress, but so far so good!
On Saturday Luke got another opportunity to be a big helper. We put down new mulch in the back, and boy was Luke all over it! He loves doing anything his daddy does so this was right up his alley.