OK I admit it.... I have been a huge slacker in the blogging department this past month. There are several things I meant to post, and never got around to. I blame this on pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Luke, everything was pretty much smooth sailing. No morning sickness and pretty much felt great overall. Well, this time around it has been very different! I have pretty much felt horrible, all food has looked disgusting, and have been extremely tired. I basically have to lay in bed for Luke's entire nap because I am exhausted, but thankfully I am now feeling much better and have more energy. Looking back I would have thought working full time would be more exhausting, but I'll have you know running around after a 19 month old is much more tiring!
Ok so now to play catch up. Luke had his 18 month old check-up at the beginning of the month and is doing great. He is ahead developmentally, and talking up a storm. I can understand pretty much everything he tries to say, however for others, it can sometimes be hard to understand. He is very independent and wants to do everything himself. We are loving this stage! Luke's new stats at 18 months were:
- weight 27.5 pounds (65%)
- height 32 inches (75%)
- head - 85%
So he is slimming up, but still has a pretty big head! =)
Alright now on to the pictures that I missed. The other day I looked around the living room and no longer saw Luke playing. I went to look for him and this is what I found.

When I walked in he proceeded to tell me "nigh nigh" and pretended to go to sleep. Too funny!

Last week we went to visit
Cousin Ben. He is just too cute and Luke truly does love him. Here is Luke "helping" with the bath.

Oh I just love this little guy!

On Valentine's Day we
received Luke's first official fridge art from Sunday school. He was very proud of it and enjoys looking at it throughout the day.

Last week we hit a huge milestone, one that I thought wouldn't happen for a few more months. Luke crawled out of the crib! I was sitting in bed early one morning and heard a huge "BANG". I look on the monitor and Luke is no where in sight. I go up to his room to find a smiling little guy who looks at me, starts clapping and says "
Umm I
don't think so. Luckily, we headed to Fort Worth that same day, and he hasn't crawled out since. (Maybe he forgot??) Well I hope it lasts a little longer. I enjoy having him in a "little cage". =) Here he is enjoying his book, so proud that he figured how to get out of his crib.

I mentioned earlier that Luke likes doing things himself, and here is an example.
Tula and Pop got him this cute stool for the bathroom and now all day he wants to "bush
teeeeth and was
hans (wash hands)"
Brian and I just got him his first basketball goal, and boy does he love it! After every shot he says "
misssss", even if he made it so we are working on that. We might have a little
baller on our hands. =)

You may have noticed in some of the above pictures that Luke has a little eye wound. Well he got his first shiner about a week and a half ago. He was running and tripped as usual, but hit his eye on the corner of the stairs. He had a hard time at first, but of course shook it off and was running around like his crazy self in no time. Here is some documentation of our first big injury, which, by the way, is almost
completely healed.
1 hour post fall
About 5 hours later. =(

The next day. What a sad face.

Almost gone!

I will say I was a little disappointed, because I assumed with an injury like that, we would get a serious black eye. It really didn't even get black which was very surprising.
OK I think I am finally caught up. Off to take a nap. =)
great catch up post! both boys are too cute :) love the cousin pics.
ReplyDeleteI will tell you I had the same experience with this pregnancy and altough I feel better (now almost 30 weeks), I am still way more sore, tired, achey, old-lady-feeling than I was the first time around. And YES working full time 12 hour shift was way easier than chasing a busy toddler all day! ha!