I feel like I have been slacking lately with the blog, but it is for good reason. We are moving tomorrow! The Pod comes tomorrow and we are packing everything up and staying with my parents for 2 weeks, until we close on our new house. So exciting! The moving experience with two little ones has been quite the challenge, and I am so thankful that everything went relatively smoothly. Here are my little "helpers". Don't want to forget those toys! ;)
Showing a house with two little people can be tough. You have to keep everything clean, as you could get a showing with only an hour notice at any moment. Why, you say, wouldn't everything be clean anyway??...hahaha, I'll pretend you didn't ask that!
During the showing process, I had a pretty rough week. Two sick kids, a sick momma, about 10 showings, while keeping some dogs...it wasn't pretty. During that said week, we were out of the house, and got a call that someone wanted to come by in 30 minutes. Well, the house was a wreck, and I told them I needed a little longer and they agreed to come in 1.5 hours. I rushed home scrambling around, only to hear the doorbell ring 15 min early! It was the showing, and I wasn't ready. The downstairs was great, but the upstairs was a different story. There was nothing I could do, so I just apologized and left with the kids. It was lunch time, so we stayed in the car down the street just waiting for them to leave. They stayed about 20 minutes and we went back home. I got the kids out of the car, they were starving at this point, and go to open the door from the garage to the laundry room, and it is locked!! The people showing the house must have locked it, and since I never lock it, I had no key. I called my realtor who said she would be on her way. I was waiting in the Texas heat outside with the kids and my parents dog, Otie, and Luke starts yelling that he has to go poo poo. He had been having diarrhea, so there was really no option, but we just had to go on the side of the house...judge me all you want. =) At this point Otie had broken free and was running down the street. My realtor then pulled up, as well as my neighbor with Otie, all to see my 3 year old popping a squat on the side of the house, while we were locked out. Not my best moment!!! Ironically, the people who locked us out ended up being our buyers, messy upstairs and all!
Well that is my funny moving story, and one of the reasons blogging has been difficult. I'll leave you with some random iphone pictures with what we have been up to lately.
Luke's first picture with actual people. Did it all by himself. |
It's one of my favorite times of the year, candy corn season! |
Precious Audrey shoes. Thanks Deens! |
Tiny girl in a hardware store with her daddy. |
Happy 98th Birthday Papa! So special that his great grandchildren got to spend it with him. |
Love this girl, and this cooler weather. |
They love each other. I just love those Toy Story undies peeking out, as well as cowboy boots and wind pants. Quite the stud! ;) |
Princess castle is up, and we are loving it! |
Chalk fun with Benjamin. What a good Aunt we have! |
Pure joy! |
Sweet girl before church. |
Audrey still only has 3 teeth, the 4th is making its way in now. Yes, that is a side tooth, and the 4th is a side tooth as well. We have a tiny vampire on our hands! Where the heck are those middle teeth! |