Our sweet girl is 2 months old today! Usually I would say, wow it doesn't feel like she is already 2 months old, but really it feels like she should be older. Brian and I were just saying last night that it is hard to remember life without her. She is still just the sweetest baby, and really the easiest baby ever. Our families just can't get over how good she is. She is very content to just sit in a bouncer, swing, or playmat watching everyone. She is a great sleeper and rarely ever cries. If she does cry, it is usually for a reason and an easy fix. Last night some milk squirted out of her nose, and this got her very upset. She cried for about a minute and when I picked her up she just let out the sweetest little sigh and looked at me with wide eyes, let out a little whimper and then calmed herself down. She just melts my heart! Here are some new facts about Audrey:
- Loves her playmat and bouncer chair and she is now looking at all the toys hanging - the owl is her favorite.
- Likes sitting up in people's laps
- Not a fan of being held in a laying down position, unless she is eating
- Smiling more and more
- Cooing more and more
- Very good head control- almost ready for the bumbo, but still has some head bobbing when placed in it
- Still not a huge fan of tummy time
- Stills seems to be a very serious girl
- Eats 6-7 times per day
- Getting chunkier by the day (2 month appointment is not for 2 weeks- so check for stats then)
- Sleeping great!- got the night time wakefulness under control- yeah!
- Sleeps from 7:30pm to about 6-7:30 am- waking usually one time in the night to eat, with the night time feeding usually only having mommy up for about 20 minutes total. Awesome!!!
- Great napper- I can put her down awake and she will put herself to sleep (her brother never did this at her age!)
- Still likes to sleep swaddled, but sleeps with one arm out for naps.
- Wears mostly 3 month clothes, but still some newborn onesies fit
- In size 1 diapers
Audrey is truly a joy and again I will state that I can't believe how good she is. It makes things easier, since her brother is a crazy man! Speaking of her brother, he loves her to death. When we were taking this picture, he ran over, looked at her and without prompting said, "She is beautiful". Again, another heart melting moment. We are blessed!